Ofi Invest Precious Metals

Make your portfolio glitter!

Precious metals – gold, silver, platinum and palladium – are now used in many industrial applications in the automotive, electronics, chemicals and jewellery and other sectors. Their applications include low-carbon-emission technologies. What’s more, against a backdrop of economic uncertainties and geopolitical tensions, “safe haven” assets such as gold are highly sought after to counter volatility on the financial markets. We therefore see precious metals as a source of investment opportunities.

What is a precious metal?

“Precious” metals are metallic chemical elements that are scarce and possess some monetary value.
They have practical applications everywhere in today’s economy.

Ofi Invest Precious Metals: gold
technologies, etc.
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: platinum
“green” hydrogen,
jewellery, eyewear, etc.
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: silver
jewellery, etc.
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: palladium
chemicals, etc.

Ofi Invest Precious Metals, an alternative for diversifying your portfolio

Simplified access
to the precious metals sector

Ofi Invest Precious Metals: a fund eligible for life insurance contracts

A fund eligible for life insurance contracts

Ofi Invest Precious Metals: a fund denominated in euros

A fund denominated in euros

Ofi Invest Precious Metals: a fund hedged against currency risk

A fund hedged against currency risk

Ofi Invest Precious Metals: daily liquidity

Daily liquidity

A diversifying portfolio
with a balanced fixed allocation


Ofi Invest Precious Metals: a diversifying portfolio with a balanced fixed allocation

In order to maintain 100% exposure to precious metals, the sub-fund is exposed to 125% of the performance of the index.

Source: Ofi Invest Asset Management
* Secured Overnight Financing Rate: a benchmark rate established as an alternative to LIBOR, the London Interbank Offered Rate. LIBOR has been published in a number of currencies and underlies financial contracts worldwide.

Ofi Invest Precious Metals: a fund only loosely correlated to trends in other asset classes


Behavior of gold in US equity market declines
Sources: Bloomberg, Ofi Invest Asset Management, end of December 2022 - Past performances are not a reliable indicator of future performances.

Why choose Ofi Invest Precious Metals?

Ofi Invest Precious Metals: to diversify your portfolio into precious metals To diversify your portfolio into precious metals
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: benefits
  • Simplified access to the precious metals sector
  • No investment in sector equities or bonds
  • An investment eligible for life insurance contracts
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: risks The subfund is exposed to commodity prices through commodity index swaps. A decline in the commodities markets or exogenous conditions (storage conditions, weather, etc.) could cause a decline in the subfund’s net asset value.
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: a recognised team of experts A recognised team of experts
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: benefits
  • A management team recognised for more than 20 years on the metals and commodities markets
  • A more than 10-year management track record
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: risks The management team is subject to change over time.
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: a fund resilient during phases of instability A fund resilient during phases of instability
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: benefits
  • Gold and other precious metals are historically resilient during periods of inflation and geopolitical uncertainty
  • These assets are only loosely correlated to financial market trends
Ofi Invest Precious Metals: risks Performance is not guaranteed for subscribers. There is a risk of loss of invested capital.
Learn more about silver with Ofi Invest Asset Management

Manufacturing alone accounts for a total of 49% of total silver demand(1), and demand could be boosted further by low-CO2-emission green technologies.

Production of photovoltaic panels, for example, accounts for 12% of global demand, a quantity that could quadruple over the next 10 years(2).
In the automotive industry, metal is used mainly in the electrical connections of vehicles’ electronic systems. Each electrical impulse in a modern car that starts the engine, opens the windows or adjusts the seats is activated by silver-based contacts.

(1) Source: World Gold Council, 2021 (2) Source: GMt. LMC Automotive Metal Focus, 2021

Refer to the fund’s characteristics & documents for more details on its risks, fees and characteristics.

News related to the fund or its theme

This marketing document has been produced by Ofi Invest Asset Management, a portfolio management company (APE Code: 6630Z) governed by French law and certified by the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) under n° GP 92-12 – FR 51384940342. It is a société anonyme [joint-stock company] supervised by a board of directors with authorised capital of 71,957,490 euros; its registered office is located at 22, rue Vernier 75017 Paris, France; and it is entered into the Paris Registry of Trade and Companies under number 384 940 342. Before investing in any of the funds presented in this marketing document, all investors are strongly urged to review their personal situation and the benefits and risks of investing in order to determine the amount that is reasonable to invest, but without basing themselves exclusively on the information provided in this marketing document. It is possible that the funds presented herein are not registered in all jurisdictions. The funds may be subject to restrictions regarding certain persons or in certain countries by virtue of national regulations applicable to such persons, or in such countries. This marketing document offers no assurance that the products or services presented herein will be suited to investors’ situation or objectives and constitutes neither a recommendation, nor advice, nor an offer to buy the financial products mentioned. Ofi Invest Asset Management refuses to accept any liability for any damages or losses resulting from the use of any or all of the information contained herein. This marketing document contains informational items and figures that Ofi Invest Asset Management regards as well-founded or accurate on the day on which they were researched. No guarantee is offered regarding information or figures from public sources. The analyses presented herein are based on the assumptions and expectations of Ofi Invest Asset Management at the time this document was written. It is possible that some or all of these assumptions and expectations may not be borne out in market performances. They do not constitute a commitment to performance and are subject to change. The value of an investment on the markets may fluctuate upwards or downwards and may vary with shifts in exchange rates. As they are subject to the economic situation and to market risks, no guarantee is offered that the products or services presented herein will achieve their investment objectives. Past performances are not a reliable indicator of future performances. The Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus are offered to fund subscribers prior to, and upon, subscription; said documents, along with the latest financial statements, are publicly available on request from Ofi Invest Asset Management.